Location: Central, Florida, United States

I'm opinionated and like to write - the perfect combination for blogging.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Barack Obama could bring about our destruction

I think Barack Obama clearly showed his own racism when he said that his Grandmother was "a typical white person." Can you imagine the outrage from the media, Barack, or his pastor, if John McCain or Hillary Clinton would've referred to Obama as 'a typical black person?' I dare say there would be multiple calls for someone’s resignation and immediate withdrawal from the White House race.

But what about his character? Let’s be clear about it, Barack Obama lied to the American people just as expertly as Bill Clinton would have, when first asked if he knew of pastor Reverend Jeremiah Wright’s, incendiary comments and racist rants. Because shortly after saying he’d never heard such sermons preached by his pastor, he confessed that he had and on more than one occasion. Yet everyone seems eager to give Barack a pass while he and others in that very same week thrust their daggers into Hillary over lies she told about fictitious sniper fire she faced while in Bosnia. Then we hear from Barack and other defenders of the racism preached in his church, that what we’re hearing from pastor Wright are only 30 second clips which are being taken out of context (although how he could screech "God Damn America!" in a good light is beyond my understanding). The fact is that most of the snippets we’ve been hearing by Reverend Wright are being taken directly from CD’s that Barack Obama’s church offers in its own store, and it’s unthinkable that they’d be selling sermons that would misrepresent their church. It’s more reasonable that what you’ve heard of their CD is the best that they have to offer and in fact representative of what one would expect to hear if they were to attend that church.

In his public response to criticism about his relationship with this racist, anti-Semitic, America hating pastor, Jeremiah Wright, Obama gave what many called ‘a great race speech.’ And while it may have been a great speech on race relations in America, past and present, what did that really have to do with what many people were and had every right to be upset about? Barack Obama’s character and poor Judgment?

His pastor has every right to be a racist, for this is America and free speech is allowed. He can be BoBo the angry clown who hates colored fruit if he wants to be. The concern over his angry racist pastor was not primarily because Obama still calls this man friend, but more so because he chose to learn under this guy for the past 20 years. It’s cause for concern that he would subject his wife and his impressionable young daughters to this constant racism week after week. How could he possibly hope to unite America when week after week he and other congregant’s of his church are voluntarily taught division? It shows a lack of good judgment on his part... unless of course he agrees with the black klansman that he calls his mentor and advisor... which I'm inclined to believe he does - note again the 'typical white person' comment made publicly by him.

And make no mistake about it, his lack of good judgment extends beyond this America bashing racist pastor (search for Rev. Jeremiah Wright speeches on ) - who praised radical racist and anti-Semite, the Nation of Islam leader, Louis Farrakhan ( ). Reverend Wright even traveled with Farrakhan to Libya to meet with radical Moammar Kadafi ( ), and Barack’s ‘Christian’ church even gave an award to this Muslim Louis Farrakhan. Next we have another racist pastor friend of his that raises concerns, a Rev. James Meeks of Chicago (find him also on Then we must notice his relationship to close friend and business associate, Tony Rezko, a Syrian born American who’s currently under indictment in Illinois for corruption ( ). And surely we must question the relationship with another close friend of his, weather underground terrorist William Ayers, who, besides blowing up US Govt. buildings, including the Pentagon, plotted to assassinate American Military officers (fortunately the bombs exploded prematurely). Is there an Islamic connection with Ayers as with the others? While not certain of the meaning, Bill Ayers has a plaque prominently displayed in the center of his web-site that reads ABU-ZAYD ( ). And we can’t overlook an internet link to the New Black Panther Party ( ) that Barack Obama had on his own web site up until March 19th, 2008 ( ). The leader of this radical black group is a Muslim convert named Malik Zulu Shabazz ( ) who spouts racism, anti-Semitism, and who calls for reparations for blacks.

Barrack Hussein Obama, the son of an atheist mother, a Muslim father, and a Muslim step-father, was schooled as a boy in the ways of Wahabiism overseas, which is the most violent sect of Islam ( ). His connection to Islam seems to reach well beyond his boyhood years as he and the media would like us to believe. And it should be a concern to any American smart enough to realize that we are a nation at war with Islamic radicals whose holiest book instructs them to lie to the infidel to get close enough to kill them.

I guess what it comes down to for me is that I can't in all good conscience overlook the fact that Barack Obama has in his inner circle of friends, some very racist, anti-American, anti-Jew, Terrorists, and Muslims who want to convert this country over to radical Islam. And if elected, Barack will appoint many of his friends and campaign contributors to be judges and/or too powerful positions within our Government. And even if he has no hidden agenda and is merely a dupe, the one thing you can be sure of is that his friends will each have their own hidden agenda's.

In my opinion, Barack Obama shows poor judgment in choosing those people whom he’s held closest to him and allows near his own loved ones, so how can I trust him to keep the wolves away from our nations door? I can't, and I don't. To put it more bluntly, I think that each vote for Barack Obama is the equivalent to a nail in Uncle Sam’s coffin.

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