Location: Central, Florida, United States

I'm opinionated and like to write - the perfect combination for blogging.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Bird Flu may even quiet the liberals

BIRD FLU INFO - (exerpt).

It’s estimated that we encounter a pandemic of some sort 3 to 4 times on average during every century, and the experts agree – we’re overdue for one. What is new however is that the earth’s population has increased substantially, and subsequently the death toll from a serious pandemic could be unlike anything we’ve ever witnessed before in all of history. Some estimates say that the number of dead could be of biblical proportions, perhaps reaching into the hundreds of millions.

But not everybody sees this as necessarily a bad thing. At least one college professor in Texas recently stated (in essence), that the earth would be better off if 9 out of 10 human beings died during a pandemic. His thought is that with fewer people the Earth’s natural resources would be plentiful enough to sustain human life and even wildlife habitats would fair better. Several professors from around the country applauded him for his boldness. They are the people I like to refer too as the ‘educated idiots.’ If they actually believed their blathering about too many humans on this planet, I would expect them to have enough conviction to pass around the ‘Jim Jones’ cocktail at their next faculty meeting. In any case, arguments about the Earth being overpopulated could become moot if and when neighborhoods, cities, states, countries, and entire continents see their census numbers decline by millions in a matter of months.

Another issue likely to be brought to the forefront if a Bird Flu pandemic ever sweeps across the earth would be ‘abortion on demand.’ Countries like Spain for example that legalized abortions in the mid 1980’s, has seen the numbers of abortions in their country increase by more than 70 percent over just the past decade. And in India the abortion issue is becoming a real concern because they’re currently facing a shortage of eligible women for their young men to marry due to an estimated 500,000 female babies aborted every year.

So just as with arguments about overpopulation, soon all of the arguments in favor of abortion may likewise fall by the wayside. In fact, in the aftermath of a major pandemic, we may even see the practice of abortion become illegal in countries that now condone it. And just as animal rights groups such as PETA are keeping quiet while hundreds of millions of birds are being slaughtered around the world, we may likewise see the day when the pro-abortion groups have to bite their collective tongues.

I’ll even go one step further. There may come a day when some countries will encourage their people to have children in an effort to rebuild their populations, their tax rolls and their military might. Imagine the balance of power suddenly shifting on borders where one side saw a substantial number of their soldiers die from influenza. Or the devastation that world economies will take should 100,000,000 or more people suddenly die. Farmers, Plumbers, Bankers, Welders, Mothers and Fathers, Ministers, Doctors and Nurses… no doubt every country will lose people from all walks of life and each of them is essential to a healthy economy of any country.

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