Location: Central, Florida, United States

I'm opinionated and like to write - the perfect combination for blogging.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Mitt Romney is the only logical choice

I am disappointed with the direction this election is going in, and I fear for the future of our country. As a Conservative Republican, in addition to what my candidates are saying, I like to look at who the left-leaning media is trying to thrust upon us. It gives me a better idea of who I don’t want – if the media likes him, I usually don’t want him. Why do they try to sway us? I suspect that they figure the apathetic voters and those who are undecided will vote for the person they think the party wants – based on what the media tells us rather than what the GOP is saying.

In the beginning they shouted that Rudy Giuliani was the favored son of the GOP. The same guy who was anathema when he handed the NY Senatorial election to Hillary Clinton… redeemed only because of his cool head after 9*1*1. But that didn’t work, so next the liberal media tried to foist Mike Huckabee upon us, saying that he was the favored son. But the preacher had no shine about him and quickly alienated voters so that there was no way he stood a chance of winning the hearts of the GOP base despite his Christian heritage.

And now they are raising the banner for John McCain, unquestionably the most liberal Republican in office who only a few years ago talked of switching parties over to the dark side. It is little wonder why Bill Clinton said that John McCain and his wife are very close, for they are very like minded. When John McCain ran against George W. Bush for the GOP nomination several years ago, there were left-wing web sites that encouraged their followers to switch their voter registrations to the Republican party so they could vote in the GOP primaries to get John McCain on the ticket. Why? Because they believed that Al Gore could beat John McCain, but that he probably couldn’t defeat Bush. They were right, and thankfully we’ve been Gore-less for nearly 8 years.

And then you have Mitt Romney, a man that was attacked from the left and the right and forced to defend his religion, a man that the media has spoken ill of, and a man whom they obviously fear. Why does the liberal media try to steer us towards John McCain, the weak horse in the race? Because the weak horse can be beaten more easily than a strong contender. And worst case scenario, no matter who wins the race they have a liberal in office that they can work with rather than someone who will stand up for American values despite what this misleading poll or that misleading poll might be saying. For the Demonicrats, not a one among those in the race has ever run or managed anything, and they’re each less qualified to run this country than any Wal-Mart assistant manager.

Both Democratic candidates are likely to take us to the brink of disaster for their lack of experience and ‘say whatever it takes to get elected’ mindset. But of course, like true Demonicrats, they will blame everything bad that happens during their term on the Republicans, while claiming any good that might be accomplished as their own. Just as Bill Clinton likes to claim the ‘balanced budget’ during his term as his own, but in fact it didn’t happen until after the GOP took the house and forced Bill Clinton to balance the budget under Newt Gingrichs’ Contract With America.

As for the Republican candidates... can someone please tell me why Ron Paul is still in this race - aside from the fact that this is the most attention he's ever had paid to him in his lifetime? While admittedly, he has a few good ideas, the man is a bit off center with reality and stands no chance on Gods green earth of ever becoming president. Let go Ron, go home and enjoy the rest of your life. And then you have Mike Huckabee, a man who started off well only to shoot himself in the foot by showing he was not above the slime that he claimed his opponents wallowed in. He also does not stand a chance, unless the two legitimate contenders were simultaneously abducted by aliens. While I’m sure that he too enjoys the spotlight and being a somebody, I’m beginning to think that his hanging in there is only to assure that Mormon Mitt Romney does not get in the White House, because most any delegate that would go to Huckleberry would revert to Mitt.

We are all well aware that the country is in a recession, even if our government is oblivious to that fact. And because of that, we need someone in office that will assure that we won’t go down the tubes like Russia did. For those who don’t know it, Russia was not defeated on the battlefield, they were defeated at the bank.. Sen Orrin Hatch recently called Mitt Romney an economic genius. Others have said that there’s nothing Mitt Romney has ever laid his hand to that did not prosper. As Romney himself stated, 'the people elect Governors to run the country because a Governor has already demonstrated that they can manage people. Everything you have in a state you have in a country only on a larger scale, whereas senators and congressman do not manage anything and essentially just make laws and hold down a chair somewhere.'

We need a man in office who knows how to handle money, not someone whose only claim to fame is that he was a POW some 40 years ago. I'm almost expected to feel dirty for feeling this way, but here goes... Thank you for your service John, now what have you done for us since then? Very much like John Kerry, John McCain also can’t seem to get through a public appearance without bringing up his past war experiences. We appreciate that you served and that you were captured. Many of our brave soldiers of little renown faced that and more. We’re glad you’re safely home now. Can we move on?

Let’s talk about McCain’s recent attempts at greatness. How about the McCain-Feingold bill? John, you seemed quite content to stifle our 1st amendment rights then, while now you’re saying you were simply misunderstood. What has changed since then? Oh yeah, you’re running for the White House. Your stab at the 1st amendment would have crippled talk radio where many find they can get the unadulterated news that our mainstream media is keeping from us. If you’re wondering why talk radio does not support you now, perhaps they are having flashbacks of what you tried to do, or visions of what a McCain Presidency will be like.

What about the McCain-Kennedy plan to give amnesty to illegal aliens through the ‘Z’ visa? This bill would have allowed illegal aliens to stay in this country forever without becoming citizens, and would have given them access to all the services that American taxpayers have paid their whole lives for. Oh, and for those who don’t know, it would also award most every one of them access to ‘EARNED INCOME CREDIT’ on our tax forms, which translates to nearly $5,000 a year for every low income family. Let me see, with 20 to 30 million illegal aliens here now, how many families will that translate into when it comes time to cut those large government checks (I’m guess-ti-mating an additional $45 billion of our tax dollars - just for this freebie, not counting welfare, food stamps, work-mans comp, SSI, free medical, free education, free school lunches, free cheese…)? So what’s changed your view of illegal aliens Senator McCain? Oh yeah, now you are running for the White House.

Then there is the McCain-Lieberman bill that was ready to attack gun rights. Tell us John, if I am forced to buy a trigger lock and have it on my weapon, will you pass a law stating that the home-invader must give me ample time to find the key in the dark and remove that lock so it will be a fair fight against a criminal? The McCain bill would’ve made it a crime to take my young son out target practicing without his carrying a permission slip. John McCain voted to enhance the Brady bill, voted for the Schumer amendment, voted for the Clinton gun bill, and has generally voted to restrict gun owners rights every chance he’s gotten. So what’s changed your position on gun rights John? Oh yeah, now you’re running for the White House.

It’s clear that John McCain sides with the liberal Demonicrats, and by all appearances he is one of them. All a person has to do is to look at the co-sponsors of his bills, and then look at how he votes on most every other issue – it’s almost always against those in his own party. He is a Demonicrat just as sure as ‘hold on to your lifejacket’ Ted Kennedy is.Mitt Romney is clearly the best choice to lead this nation in a time such as we are now facing. If Mike Huckabee and Ron Paul would drop out of the race there might be hope for him, but as it is that will not likely happen and with endorsements from the ACLU, every left leaning Republican out there, and no doubt some Demonicrats, John McCain will most likely win the GOP ticket. Could he beat Hillary Rodham Clinton or Barak Hussein Obama? Not likely. And yet, if he did somehow win, would we notice any difference? Not Likely.

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