Location: Central, Florida, United States

I'm opinionated and like to write - the perfect combination for blogging.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Barack Obama and Jeremiah Wright,

About Barack Obama and his relationship with his radical minister, Jeremiah Wright,

Rev. Jeremiah Wright of the Trinity United Church of Christ can be as racist and as divisive as he wants to be, this is America after all. And because of this public exposure of Rev. Wright, we've watched another black preacher friend of Obama's with the same sort of hateful sermons preached against whites rise to the surface, a Rev. James Meeks of Chicago.

While Barack Obama at first said that he'd never heard such vitriolic speech from his preacher, he later admitted that he had, but only after being cornered. And while trying to close the rift that his relationship to Rev. Wright had opened, Barack recently said that his grandmother was a 'typical white person.' So what does that stereotype mean, that We White Folks is all Alike? And how would it be received by the media and the public if someone said that Obama was a typical black person? Not very well I'm sure.

But it’s not about Obama's lack of condemning Rev. Wright so much as it is his lack of sound judgment by sitting and learning under this guy and letting his wife and children be exposed to this angry form of racism. This same 'Christian' church Obama belongs to also gave an achievement award to an anti-Semitic 'Muslim' who they said is a great man. This Muslim, Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, is a radical racist who, with Obama's pastor Wright, traveled together overseas to meet, as friends, with Islamic terrorist Moammar Kadafi. So make note that this pastor Wright, who consorts and praises radical anti-Semitic Muslims, is the man who Barack has declared is his mentor, confidant and spiritual advisor.

Next you have the William Ayers connection. Ayers, of the weather underground, is a very close friend and supporter of Obama's who's committed terrorist acts inside America by blowing up government buildings. Ayers stopped his bombings only after a bomb his group was building to kill US military officers exploded prematurely and killed several of his terrorist friends. Because of Government mistakes with evidence, Bill Ayers is now a free man and is currently teaching his radical ideals to college students in the US. When asked in 2005 if Ayers had any regrets of his terrorist days, he said "no," except that "...they did not do enough."

And lastly, on Barack Obama's own personal web-site, up until late March of 2008, he had an internet link posted that if clicked would’ve directed viewers to the web-site of the New Black Panther Party, a radical racist group headed by a Muslim named Milik Zulu Shabazz. Barack removed the link only after it was noted by conservative talk radio hosts.

So no matter what you believe about Barack Obama, whether he's a Muslim, a racist, or just practicing a radical form of black Christianity, one thing you'd better be sure of... he does not show good judgment in those he chooses to befriend. This man, if elected, will be in the position to nominate Supreme Court Judges and to appoint lower court judges as well as his cabinet, and these will be at his own discretion. Typically these positions are first filled by close friends and campaign contributors - so you can be sure Barack will be placing some of these former terrorists and radical Muslim friends of his into powerful positions deep inside the American government. And you should also realize that we’ve only recently been exposed to a small portion of his inner circle of interesting friends...

So while Barack Hussein Obama declares in his speeches that he’s going to bring about ‘change’ in America - and to the world, are we really prepared for the kind of changes that he and his friends might have in store for us? Because even if he were a dupe with the best of intentions, most certainly his friends are not.

Just sign me ‘A Typical White Person.’

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